Polar Bears; By Tim
They swim in cold water.
They make footprints.
Tim wrote this book as a home project and brought it in to school. The teacher displayed it in the reading centre of the classroom for the month while they studied Polar Bears. I am soooo proud of him. He did such a great job - and worked so hard to pick all the pictures and write all the sentences. These are a few of my favorite pages from it.
The teacher wrote a comment on each page and then in the back wrote "....You and your hard work make me so very proud to be your teacher!"
We got his report card back the same day and were on top of the world. I mean, we think he is pretty terrific, but when a teacher writes all the kind and amazing things about him it just makes my heart melt. She finished the report with this paragraph;
"Tim brings a smile to all faces whether he be in the classroom, around the school or in the playground. His sense of humour and originality make him such a special part of our Kindergarten community. Tim, you are truly a fabulous person with such a brightness about you!"
I am a lucky Mom.
Tim...you are so smart, and so special!! We love you a whole bunch!!We miss you too!
xoxoPapa Don and Gramma Vicki
And Tim you have t-rific parents too!
Tim I am SO proud of you!! you are so smart and so lucky to have such great parents!! I love you buddy!! and cannot wait to see you next weekend!
Love and BIG hugs,
Aunti Hillary
p.s. i am also excited about my new blue room in the new house! :)
she said it all and you should be very proud parents. those are the best compliments.
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