~ honest. sincere. embarrassing. funny. with a healthy dose of sarcasm. ~

Thursday, February 22

One of those pictures I'm saving to show the first girlfriend ;)

Tim has decided that he is going to be either an inventor or a scientist when he grows up. He is constantly inventing new things - and he loves building things with his K'Nex.....usually something related to fans and/or windmills.
Recently, he had a fort built from an old cardboard box in his room - he had a whole contraption built that when he turned his oscillating fan on and aimed it at the box his 'ceiling fan' (made from K'Nex and hanging from the top of the box) would spin. He had it down to a science for the slow, medium and fast speeds -- depending on the direction that he would aim the fan.

Today he decided that he wanted a hat with a propellor on top. I said we would do what we could and try it. We made it a family affair and with a little help from Dad - we got it;
Atleast we know who to call when he needs a job.....


Anonymous said...

Nice Hat Timmy!
Nice use of the link feature Jess, let me know if you need help finding anything to hotlink to....

Jerry said...

You can't go wrong working for Geeksquad. :)

Jerry said...

err... Geekculture. :S