~ honest. sincere. embarrassing. funny. with a healthy dose of sarcasm. ~

Saturday, August 18

Our Luck

Garnet drove over to the states yesterday. Waited almost an hour in line and then another hour because he was chosen for a random search. He found a bike that met his standards for Tim -- and was on a mission to get it. He came home and had to fill in the time until 4:30 when Tim got home from Day Camp. He put on a water bottle holder and a kickstand....maneuvered the bike rack to fit our bikes -- I went to work and finally Garnet picked up Tim. They stopped by my work with an Iced Cap for me and Tim excitedly told me all about his new bike! They were going biking at the park! He was so excited!

A great thing turned into a horrrible thing - proving Garnet's luck once over. Some puny ass little teenager threw a rock through our windshield. Garnet heard the bang just as they were exiting the path -- but couldn't see the car from where he was. And figured the kid had done something to a car but figured ours was far enough off the path to be safe. As he was putting the bikes on Tim said "Dad, there's a big crack in our windshield!" Garnet was pissed but knew he couldn't chase after the kid when Tim was right there. As he is backing out, the little jerk drove by on his bike again!! Just to see if anyone had noticed yet? Garnet threw it into park and yelled at the kid. Who took off once again. Garnet , being the responsible father didn't abandon our child in the car to chase after some useless piece of shit. (can you tell I'm a little angry?)

A friend of ours was there at the park jogging and Garnet asked if Tim could ride around with her for a few minutes while he went and looked for the slime. To no avail.

He left the park resolved that we were just going to have to pay for the damages and he wasn't going to be able to drag the kid back to his parents and demand them to pay for the little puke's actions. He also mentioned (which is probably true) that even if he did find the parents they were probably every little bit the useless leeches of society that the kid is - so they probably wouldn't have taken responsibility anyways. Jen called anbd said that the kid hung around the park for awhile afterwards -- she passed him while she was jogging about 3 times. She called the police and they wouldn't even dispatch anyone. The kid got away with it -- and he'll do it again.

You know what pisses me off the most? Where are the friggin parents? What the hell is wrong with society these days that a 13 year old kid would ride around by himself throwing rocks at cars - for fun? FOR FUN!? I already had the talk with Tim that he better not EVER do something so stupid -- maybe I'll eat my words when he is a teenager. But god help him if he turns out like that kid.......


Anonymous said...

sorry we weren't awake! .... oh my goodness, that is so sad! (about your luck, and the mindset of the teens)
call when you can...
Love you!

Anonymous said...

You know Tim won't ever be like that!You are teaching him the right stuff!Even in the way you handled this..

Anonymous said...

sounds like a cry for attention...