~ honest. sincere. embarrassing. funny. with a healthy dose of sarcasm. ~

Saturday, May 21

Building a Garden

Today was an absolutely gorgeous day. We spent the whole day out at Garnet's Dad's house and made a garden! We all look like lobsters - except Tim - and are feeling a few more muscles than we thought we had. But it will be worth it when we harvest our crop this summer!
After our long day out in the sun we went over to our friends house to watch fireworks and roast marshmallows. Yes, Tim will be sleeping well tonight!!
Lots more pictures on the Album for you to enjoy (some more blackmail stuff of course cause the Forsyth girls were in charge of the camera ;)

Little Helper

Hilsy Helper

Big Helper

Crazy Driver!

Crazy Drivers

Working hard...barefoot!

Working really hard....really....can't you tell?

Watering the seeds...or washing our feet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hope you guys made it home alright.... ;) .....I miss you already!!!! Thansk for the great wknd!!
I love you!!!!
Aunt Hilsy