~ honest. sincere. embarrassing. funny. with a healthy dose of sarcasm. ~

Tuesday, October 11

Northern Colours....

Lake Nosbonsing

My favorite field

Poker night at the Forsyth's

Dad's helping, Hillary's thinking, Mom's really into the game....

I was probably trying to bluff again...not so good.

And the big winner of Black Jack is.....Hilsy Bilsy Catrilsy!!

A Day at the Pumpkin Patch

In the Corn Maze

Painted a Pumpkin (yes I do bathe my child once in a while - that's marshmallow on his nose!)

Bobbi, Rich and Dakota enjoying the Wagon ride at the Pumpkin Patch

Watching the fields of rasberries on the Wagon ride


Out for a walk

My mom and I

Ahhh, to be a kid again!!

Me and my Grandma


Michelle said...

that's a real nice pic of you and your grandma! how's she doing?

Jessi said...

she's doing great, michelle. same old stubborn lady that i love to pieces :)