I had a job interview to work for a Portrait Studio today!!!!!
I start my first classes on January 30th - good old Mathematics....yee ha.To add to this - we have our house up for sale and I'm starting to volunteer at the hospital.
Oh yeah, and all the regular everyday activities that go a long with living, being a mom and a wife.
Life is really fun, isn't it?!
Honestly - I have a few knots in my tummy....(especially with the fact that I am 25 years old and just said tummy) If I get this new job I'd have to give up a very flexible and easy-to-schedule-around job. But it's a job that both Tim and I are getting tired of (he comes with me) - and a job that I can't advance in. I'm hoping that they are willing to schedule (for the most part) around Garnet's shifts because Tim still has a few more months before grade 1 and it's not worth it to pay a babysitter right now. I'm still debating so much of it in my head - decisions are so hard to make sometimes....and change is always so hard to face.
oh wow, you really do have alot going on! i hope everything works out well.. oh, and have fun in math class ;) it was my *favourite* (insert sarcasm here!)
You used to say "I got caterpillars in my bummy!"
mom...that sounds gross.
it was caterpillars in my "stummy"....cause i thought that was the short form of "stomach"
bummy just sounds wrong.
oh yeah...stummy. I bemember.xo
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