~ honest. sincere. embarrassing. funny. with a healthy dose of sarcasm. ~

Thursday, January 11

The Infamous Bunkbeds

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kelly ens said...

Well, I've gotta give credit to OCD on this one...the beds are great! :)

Jerry said...

Pretty sweet! :D

Jessi said...

yeah, i must agree, kelly....i kinda like them a lot ;)

Charity said...

I thought is was just that all men are OCD...;) And in my case ADD and ADHD... I LOVE reading your posts, not only because I love seeing what you're doing but because you are hilarious. It makes me remember your laughter in the ABK kitchen.

Jessi said...

Char you are so sweet....i'm glad that i'm entertaining you ;)
...and mine has his fair share of ADD and ADHD as well! believe me -i could write a book!
email is in the works.....;)

Coondog said...

I laughed my guts out when I read that. He drives me crazy at work but will say he is quite likeable and puts a smile on a lot of our faces.

If I talked that much or asked that many questions, people would take my temperature!

Jessi said...

thanks jason ;)....as soon as i read that i knew exactly who it was!