~ honest. sincere. embarrassing. funny. with a healthy dose of sarcasm. ~

Monday, February 5

Just being crazy

Tim was trying to balance on my knees - like my Dad used to do with us. He spent most of the time laughing his head off and shakin' what his mama gave him with his signature moves. Hillary captured these great shots when she wasn't doubled over in laughter ;)
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Anonymous said...

OK I just checked your blog for the first time in a few days. You probably shouldn't post any links that lead to your mom visiting my site...
For the record V, my post was totally meant to be complimentary to Jessi, and a shot at Garnet at the same time. It should also be noted that my site was really only designed for deviants like Garnet and friends to read, not their wives and certainly not their m.i.l.'s. I'm actually a pretty normal, well adjusted guy...or something. Anyhow, Jessi I hope you didn't take offense 'cause it definately wasn't intended, and Vicki I hope you didn't venture anywhere else on the site.

Jessi said...

yeah...i was hoping she didn't venture too far also.....

no offense at all, J - and i'll vouch for your normalcy (it should be noted that i DID marry Garnet though so my idea of normal may be slanted ;)
no more links - i promise. and i'll stick to my 'happy, normal women blogs' that us wives are supposed to read ;)

Anonymous said...

Oh hey you can link to my site any time, just as long as people realize it's just for fun, and usually very offensive. In fact you might be the first non offensive person to have posted on my site ;-)
anyhow, I hope I haven't done permanent damage to your mom.

Coondog said...

Jess...Buster is a deviant in disguise. He just wants to appear well adjusted but you will eventually read about him in the news...